Saturday, December 10

John Wesley - Christian Movie

Edifying Others

Published on Aug 8, 2013   -    This movie's plot reveals that Wesley's mental assent to information about the Gospel, concerned Wesley's Father enough to confront His son about truly not being continually saved by the witness of God. This movie reveals Wesley's struggle with the fruit by-produce of Arminianism and how a synergistic salvation will always produce the doubting of carnal works.
Man's natural mind trying to interpret Scripture will inevitably bring the leaven and spread of man made doctrines and the honest doubting Wesley knew.
This is a copy ,,,
Doctrinal Regeneration is just as dangerous and damning as Decisional Regeneration. Although John Wesley was Semi-Pelagian Arminian doctrinally.
The ultimate proof to you of your salvation is in the continual witness of the Holy Spirit presence produced by the hearing of abiding
in the doctrine of Christ 2 John 1-9-11.
This testifies to us, our regeneration by the Holy Spirit and love for God's Word. Which in turn, God's Holy Word the Bible, witnesses back to us the truth concerning our new birth and life in the Holy Spirit witness. Without this continual witness of the Holy Spirit, mans fleshly wisdom and carnal mind is all that is known.

John Wesley - Christian Movie